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Commercial Auto Insurance

If your business uses vehicles for any purpose, whether it’s delivery vans, company cars or trucks, having the right insurance coverage is crucial. Commercial auto insurance is specifically designed to help financially protect business vehicles.

What Is Commercial Auto Insurance?

Commercial auto insurance helps offer financial coverage for vehicles used for business purposes. It typically provides financial coverage for vehicles owned by a business or used for business-related activities, such as transporting goods, employees or clients. Commercial auto insurance policies can offer protection against various risks, including accidents, theft, vandalism, and liability for property damage or bodily injury caused to others. This type of insurance is essential for businesses that use vehicles to operate.

Is Commercial Auto Insurance Important?
Commercial auto insurance can be essential for the following reasons:

  • Liability coverage—If your business vehicle causes an accident resulting in property damage or bodily injury, commercial auto insurance can financially cover the liability. Without it, your business could face significant financial losses.
  • Property protection—Commercial auto insurance can also help pay for damage to your company vehicles. Whether it’s a collision, theft or vandalism, having this coverage can ensure that your business assets are protected.
  • Legal requirements—Many states require businesses to carry auto insurance for their vehicles. Compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid penalties or legal issues.
  • Employee protection—If your employees drive company vehicles, commercial auto insurance provides coverage for their injuries in case of an accident.
  • Business continuity—Proper insurance can help ensure your business can continue operating even after an accident. It minimizes disruptions and financial setbacks.

How Much Is Commercial Auto Insurance?

The following factors can influence commercial auto insurance premiums:

  • Type of coverage
  • Vehicle details
  • Usage and mileage
  • Drivers and driving records
  • Business industry and operations
  • Location
  • Deductibles and limits
  • Claims history


Contact Roman Empire Insurance Agency Inc. to discuss a commercial auto insurance policy tailored to your organization’s needs.

LIC# 0k85705

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